sábado, 22 de abril de 2017


Resultado de imagen para students resistance
Sometimes happens that we as teachers are very motivated about starting our classes and apply a learner-centered approach but students usually don't show the same enthusiasm and are not very motivated to accomplish the tasks. Students show resistance to this approach because they got accustomed to be just sat in the chair and expect that the teacher speaks most of the time. So now this approach seems to scare them because they have to work more and sometimes they don't feel capable of doing that. Moreover, students like traditional teaching methods because some of them are not ready for learner-centered approaches being that it represents more responsibility for them. In addition, a way to show resistance is when students ask questions that are too obvious or when they comment that they haven't done tasks like that before. Additionally, there are three types of resistance passive nonverbal resistance, partial compliance and open resistance.

Passive nonverbal resistance refers to the students' actions that show objection to do something without saying any word. For example, when the teacher asks to form groups and do an activity students can show discourage, others might speak of another thing instead of doing the task that was assigned, etc. Partial compliance is when students do something but incompletely because they don't want to make too much effort. For example, students do they homework but poorly, they know about something but they avoid speaking too much. On the other hand, open resistance is when students express freely their objection to something. For example, students can say that another teacher doesn't work with them like that or they resist to give answers, etc.

On the other hand, faculty can present resistance too it is because some teachers don't feel prepared or they don't have the necessary skills  to have a learner-centered class being that it involves a lot of teacher's preparation, organization, etc.

Finally, to overcome resistance and teach a learner-centered class I would communicate with my students in an open way and get them familiarized with the topics to be studied because according to Armstrong (2011) it is good to engage and encourage students to do their best, give their own feedback and have the opportunity to reflect on their work. Additionally, according to Filax (1997) teachers have to resist students' resistance because sometimes learners are trying to see if they can discourage a teacher and make him change his methods but the teacher needs to be sure about the approach that is using and talk with students too. 

Additional information about students' resistance:

Armstrong, A. (2011). 4 Key strategies to help educators to overcome resistance. Learningforward.com Retrieved from: https://learningforward.org/docs/tools-for-learning-schools/tools1-11.pdf

Filax, G. (2011). Resisting Resistors: Resistance in Critical Pedagogy Classrooms on JSTOR . (2017). Jstor.org. Retrieved 22 April 2017, from https://www.jstor.org/stable/23767343?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Borrego, M. Understanding Student Resistance to Active Learning. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 22 April 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlXYslBV6Cc

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Sometimes happens that we as teachers are very motivated about starting our classes and apply a learner-centered approach but stude...